

The key points of CONFIDE​​NT​​
The Erasmus + project CONFIDENT - Enhancing Intercultural and Digital Competences of Mobile Students in Times of Crisis (no. 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-09​5384) addresses the needs identified in times of crisis within the mobile students regarding their cultural and social adjustment in the host country, providing them with a digital alternative to the physical interactions.

Since universities usually place their focus on the academic contents of ed​ucat​ion, our project aims to fill the gap in an area which was not well covered ​​not even in the pre-Covid era in Romania:
  • enriching students' soft skills and preparing them for the future;
  • developing the intercultural and digital competences of mobile students;
  • making them proactive and curious about other cultures by means of the digitalization tools which are currently in the spotlight of the educational process. 

CONFIDE​​NT​​ Partnership
​The project was coordinated by
  • ​​ Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania)

and implemented in cooperation with two partner universities: 

  • Hochschule Bremen (Germany) and

  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland).

The project aims to reach as many students as possible who either want to study abroad as exchange students or wish to work in multicultural environments, where the awareness of their intercultural and digital skills will represent an advantage for their personal and professional development.
CONFIDE​​NT​​ results

Th​e project obtained the following results:
  • Online Self-Assessment Intercultural & Digital Competence Tool;

  • Online Open Module in Intercultural Communication;

  • Online Open Module in Digital Learning;

  • CONFIDENT Cyber Café for Mobile Students.

CONFIDE​​NT​​ potential beneficiaries
Besides the targeted group, the results of the project can be useful to any individual who wants to self-assess and improve their intercultural and digital competences, while interacting with peers with similar interests. We consider them especially relevant for:
  • Students at any level of study, interested in the expansion of their intercultural and digital knowledge;

  • High school pupils who would like to pursue an academic career abroad;

  • International Relations officers who work on a daily basis with mobile students;

  • Teachers and instructors in the intercultural, information and communication technologies (ICT) and project management fields;

  • Employees​​ working in intercultural and digital environments.

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The CONFIDENT - Enhancing Interc​ultural and Digital Competences of Mobile Students in Times of Crisis (no. 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-09​5384) project has been funded with supp​ort from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.