Orientation week

During the orientation week, HSB offers a short intensive German course for free to help you to get a good start with the German language. In order to participate, you have to do an online entry-level test.

Please send the results to studkurse@hs-bremen.de. The deadline is stated in your admission letter.​


German) Language Courses

At the Bremen University of Applies Sciences, the “Zentrum für Lehren und Lernen" (ZLL) is in charge of the language courses. 

  • For registration or more information, please follow this link.

Intensive German course

In order to be able to follow your classes successfully, it is important to have a sufficient knowledge of the German language. Therefore, a one-week intensive German course is offered at the beginning of the semester and is free of charge for exchange students of our partner universities. A prerequisite for your participation is the completion of the online placement test prior to the start of the semester. 

  • By sending your results to ​studkurse@ hs-bremen.de you will automatically be registered for the intensive German course.


Support Services for international exchange students

To make sure you will enjoy your stay in Bremen and love being a HSB student, we offer several support services exclusively for you as incoming students from a foreign country.


Buddy programme

First, there is the so-called Buddy programme. A buddy is a local HSB student who will be your helping hand during your stay here. He or she is available to deal with all kinds of questions and helps you to get essential information easily and to adjust to your new environment. Your Departmental International Office will provide you with more information about the Buddy programme.


Friendship Programme “Adopt-a-Student"

Moreover, if you would like to learn about everyday life in Germany and improve your German language skills, you should consider participating in the Adopt-a-Student programme. Locals from Bremen volunteer to help you get started in Bremen, they are happy to answer upcoming questions and spend some leisure time with you. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to extend your German language skills. Do not miss the opportunity of an authentic cultural experience in Germany!


Discover Bremen

We have set up a number of fun activities for you — a great opportunity to make new friends, discover German culture, the beautiful city of Bremen and its surroundings together with peers from all over the world. Check out all current activities going on in this semester. Note: Due to COVID-19, these activities may not be offered or may be offered in a different form.


LEI—Lokale Erasmus Initiative

At the beginning of each semester, LEI presents itself during the International Office's orientation week in various welcome events for international exchange students. In the current semester, numerous activities and events are offered, such as an international dinner, bowling, a city hall, movie theater and much more. Due to COVID-19 the offers of the LEI will be a bit different during this semester. However, the students will organise events for you to get in contact with other students.



Doing sports frees the mind and clears your head. So why don't you sign up for university sports (Hochschulsport)?

The universities of Bremen jointly offer a wide range of sport programmes to their students. Salsa lessons, volleyball, windsurfing, football, badminton, floorball, handball and many more—whatever sports you like,
you will find something here. In return for a small contri- bution, you can register for the courses at the beginning of each semester.

Please keep in mind: courses are highly popular and registration is on a first come—first served basis.
Check it out, you wil​l find an awesome programme!s.


Find more detailed information in the brochure

Campus orientation

University of Applied Sciences Bremen (HSB) is not a campus university. As it is located directly in the city of Bremen and part of the local neighborhood, it is open to the public.

HSB has four campuses, which are all located in the heart of Bremen.

  • ​If you are looking for directions how to get to the different locations, you will find the relevant information here​.


Our campuses at Neustadtswall, Werderstraße and Flughafenallee offer a student canteen, the so-called Mensa to ensure your wellbeing. The offer ranges from coffee, tea and sandwiches, chocolates and cold drinks to snacks, lunches and more.

The lunch menus one and two are subsidised, so this is definitely a favourable option for a daily warm meal for students with a limited income. Just check here what will be on the menu tomorrow.

A word of advice: get yourself a Mensacard. The benefits are cash-free payment in our canteens and cafeterias, shorter queues at the checkouts, use of snack and drinks machines, printing and copying in the student libraries. You can get your Mensacard at the service point in the Mensa at Neustadtswall or at the checkout areas of the Mensas at Campus Werderstraße or Airport. Just bring your student ID and a 5 € deposit plus 5 € for your first charge.



The State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) provides you with literature and specialist information in print and electronic formats. The SuUB is comprised of the Central Library and eight decentral hubs, including the branch for Technology and Social Sciences and the branch for Economics and Nautical Sciences which are located on HSB's campuses. The libraries also offer a quiet place on the campus to study and concentrate.

In order to make use of the library services you need to obtain a Bib-Card. You can get it at the info-desks of every branch of the SuUB. Please bring along:

  • your proof of enrolment,
  • your passport,
  • ​the city registration.