HSB attracts almost 9,000 students not only from the region and nationwide, but worldwide, amongst them more than 300 exchange students from our partner universities per year. We hope you will enjoy your stay at our international campus!

  • Find all information about the university here 

International Office

The International Team of HSB is made up of the International Office and Departmental International Offices (DIOs) in our five faculties.

The International Office is your first contact for all questions regarding application, admission, enrolment and accommodation.

Our Departmental International Offices are in charge of faculty- and programme- related matters, such as semester organisation, schedules, module registration, administrative steps in ERASMUS+ and worldwide co-operations and other questions regarding student life. Here you will find your exchange coordinator.

  • Find more information here:

Entry Visa

Depending on where a student comes from, a visa may be required to enter Germany. Your visa should be applied for as early as possible because it often takes a while to be processed. Therefore, directly after getting your admission letter from HSB, the first thing you have to work on is your visa application for Germany.

EU nationals do not require a visa to enter the Federal Republic of Germany.

Generally speaking, all other foreigners require a visa for stays in Germany. Nationals of certain countries for which the European Community has abolished the visa requirement are allowed to enter Germany without a visa.


Health insurance

When applying for a visa or residence permit and for getting enrolled at HSB, you always need a proof of sufficient health insurance.

Students from the European Union need to show a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or proof of membership. Public health insurance plans from the following countries are also valid in Germany: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Morocco, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey.

Important note: If EU or EEA-students take on a part time job or a paid internship in Germany, they must be insured with a German health insurance!

Students from all other countries are strongly advised to get insured with a German health insurance company before coming to Germany. A public health insurance policy costs about 110 € a month and is offered to all students under 30 years. If you are 30 years or older, we recommend getting insured with a private health insurance provider.

The insurance companies TK, AOK and Barmer offer a great service: students can rely on a professional English-speaking help desk, close-by client offices and calculated insurance costs only from the date of registration – i.e. students only pay for the days being here after arrival and not for the whole month in which the registration takes effect!


Semester contribution

The semester fee (Semesterbeitrag) of approximately 325 € (we will communicate the exact amount after your admission) is payable by deadline once every semester. Students who will only study online still have to pay the semester fee. This is not a tuition fee, but a contribution towards our semester ticket and social facilities and benefits. Holders of our student ID are entitled to bud- get-priced meals in the canteens, for instance.


Semester ticket

With the semester ticket you become mobile in Bremen and the surrounding region.

The semester ticket gives students free use of all buses and trams as well as all regional trains in Bremen and around throughout the whole semester. Here, you can find out where you can go and what you can explore with your ticket.


Find more detailed information in the brochure